Aug 25, 2021
Nov 14, 2020

ProSelect on OSX 11 (Big Sur)

Updated August 25, 2021

As of March 2021, over 300 people are now running ProSelect on Big Sur. Of these, around 45 people have Macs using the new Apple Silicon (M1) processors (see next section). 

Versions of ProSelect that will run on OSX 10.15 (Catalina) - namely ProSelect 2019r2 and newer - will run in Big Sur. As with the release of Catalina, if we come across any issues that need to be addressed in a new ProSelect release, they will be incorporated into either a ProSelect 2020r1 update or the forthcoming 2022r1 release.

We have no reported issues with machines running Big Sur on either the Intel-based or M1 machines. (See the section below for more about M1 processor-based machines.) however, there have been some reported issues with macOS BigSur machines connecting to external and NAS drives which can affect ProSelect users - See below for more details.

If you upgrade your computer to Big Sur and/or are using M1 hardware and do come across any issues with ProSelect, please let us know by submitting a support ticket.  

IMPORTANT: Permissions required

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you have given ProSelect the permissions that it needs to work correctly as detailed in this article: macOS Security Settings for ProSelect.

Reported issues with NAS drives

We have had a number of reports of corrupted album files and "You do not have permission to write to this location" messages when using opening and saving ProSelect album files from a NAS drive. At this stage, it is not clear if this is a NAS issue or an OSX issue. One user with this problem is using M1-based Mac Mini computers.

If you Google "OSX Big Sur SMB write permission errors" there are lots of different reports but no clear solutions (that we can find) at this time.

If you are having this problem, we recommend that you use the Finder to copy your album files to your local computer's hard disk and open them from there. After saving and closing the album file you can copy it back to the NAS.

We will update this article, as more information becomes available.

Reported issues with external drives.

We had one user report very slow load times when importing images from an external drive. We are still investigating this issue.

New Apple Silicon (M1 processor) Macs

The new range of Mac computers (announced by Apple on November 12, 2020) use the new M1 processors and require software applications to be updated and re-compiled to run at full speed on these machines.

For non-native applications, Apple uses emulation software called Rosetta to dynamically convert the Intel-based software so that it can run on these new machines. The only side-effect of this is that applications take a bit longer to start up the first time you run them while Rossetta does the conversion.

ProSelect on M1 machines

The development environment and software libraries that we use for building ProSelect have now been updated to run these machines and we have just released our first beta test version of ProSelect 2021r1 which runs natively on both Intel and M1 processors. Our tests indicate that this version averages around 75% faster on M1 machines than on the equivalent Intel machine.

The official release of ProSelect 2022r1 is planned for September 2021. 

In the meantime, we have not come across any major issues reported (see list below) with ProSelect 2019r2 and newer on these machines running under Rossetta. ProSelect even seems to run a bit faster than when running on the equivalent Intel-based hardware.

Please note that if you are using ProSelect 2019r2 or 2020r1, you do need to download and use Rosetta because, as mentioned above, these versions of ProSelect are not compiled to run natively on M1 machines.

M1 Reported Issues

1. The ProSelect Lightroom Plugin does not install from either the ProSelect Installer or the separate Lightroom Plugin installer.  We fixed this in the 2020r1.5 update.

(We will update this article with further information as it comes to hand.)


KnowledgeBase Article: ProSelect on OSX 11 (Big Sur)