Aug 27, 2008
Nov 29, 2007

Error when Loading or Saving an Album in ProSelect v3

If you have applied any Custom Effects actions in an album where the Custom Effects Action Name contains an odd character such including &"<>\  (eg B&W), the album will give an error when saving or loading depending on which version of ProSelect you are using.

This problem has been fixed in version 3.3.4.

Below you will find what happens with earlier versions and what to do about it:

For ProSelect versions before 3.3.x

You will get "An error occurred while opening album, file maybe corrupt"  the next time you try to load the album file. The solution is to download and use ProSelect version 3.3.4 or newer as this version will fix the error when the album file is loaded and saved again.

For ProSelect versions from 3.3 to 3.3.3

Because ProSelect 3.3 and newer now automatically verifies the album after you do a save, the above problem will be reported during the save with a "Saved file verification error(7)"  message. Even though ProSelect reports that the album did not correctly save, you can still open the saved album if you download and use ProSelect version 3.3.4 or newer as this version will fix the error when the album file is loaded and saved again.

Please refer to the article Album save error recovery for further information.

KnowledgeBase Article: Error when Loading or Saving an Album in ProSelect v3