Nov 29, 2017
Oct 28, 2009

Images not in expected order after uploading

When using the Upload Manager to upload images to the WebGallery, you can specify the default Image Sorting order to be either: Do Not Sort, Sort by Filename or Sort by Creating Date.

The setting means that your choice will be applied automatically to all the images just prior to uploading and so, if you know that you don't have to check/change the rotations, then you can just start the upload without waiting for all the images to be converted.

However, if you open the Image Manager section of the Upload Manager and manually change the position of any images in a set by dragging them around or you use the sort button to re-arrange the order, THEN the Upload Manager will assume that you do not wish to sort the images IN THAT SET any longer and will upload them in the order that they appear in the Image Manager section. How the images will be sorted for that set is shown above the image list box on the Image Manager Dialog.

Note: Like most computers, the Upload Manager sorts by name alphabetically so if you wish to use the automatic sort by name function, you should make sure that all your filenames are the same length eg  file001.jpg, file002.jpg, file010.jpg  but NOT file1.jpg, file2.jpg, file10.jpg

KnowledgeBase Article: Images not in expected order after uploading