Apr 13, 2023
Oct 13, 2006

Reinstalling or moving ProSelect

Apart from obsolete versions of ProSelect, you can re-download both the current and previous versions of ProSelect at any time from the Downloads area on the ProStudio Software's website at no charge.

This article explains how to

  1. Reinstall the software on the same computer or
  2. Moving ProSelect to another computer keeping your current settings when you do so.

If your computer's hard disk has crashed or needed to be wiped clean and you need to re-install everything then follow the instructions for Moving ProSelect to another computer in this article in order to restore your ProSelect setup data (prices lists, templates, music etc).


Downloading the software

If you are licensed to use the latest version of the software, you can re-download it from the Latest Releases Downloads page on our website. 

If your license is for an older version then, after logging into your ProStudio Software account, you can get the latest update for your version from the Old Versions Downloads page under the Downloads menu.

Important: Make sure that you download the correct version for your license, otherwise you will find that you won't be able to register it.  If you are not sure which version your licence is for or have lost your registration keys, then log into the ProStudio Software website using the email address that you used to purchase the software and go to the My Account (top right of web site) --> My Products (tab). This will show the products that you own, which versions they are and, except for obsolete versions, you can access your registration keys from here.

Upgrading to the latest version 

If your PLUS is current (you can check this in your My Account -> My Products page or you have a ProSelect Easy Lease then you have access to the newest version of ProSelect at no charge from the Latest Releases Downloads page.

If your PLUS has expired and you are not licensed to use the newest version of ProSelect, you can pay for an upgrade (at a discount) through the Upgrades section of the online Store (under the Store menu). You must log in using the email address which you used to purchase your existing license in order to access this page.

Installing on Mac OSX 10.15 (Catalina) or newer

If you are moving ProSelect to a Mac computer running this operating system, then you must have a license for ProSelect 2019r1 or newer. See ProSelect on Mac OSX 10.15 Catalina.


Upgrading or Reinstalling on the same computer

Make sure that ProSelect is not already running, then uninstall the current version and re-install the newly downloaded version.

On Windows: Download the FULL installer, unzip it and run ProSelect_Setup.exe.

On Macs: Download the FULL installer, unzip it and double-click on the ProSelect_OSX_Installer.pkg (for earlier versions, mount the .dmg file and drag the ProSelect folder to your Applications folder.)

Your ProSelect Setup Data will be preserved

Except for cases where your disk drive has been wiped clean or replaced, your ProSelect setup data should still be left of your computer. 

When uninstalling, upgrading or reinstalling ProSelect this information is not touched so you can easily upgrade and your setting will remain the same. However, you should still have backups of this important data in case something does go wrong or your computer fails. See "More about Backing up your data" section below.

If this data has been deleted then you will need to restore it from your most recent backup copy. See the Restoring your ProSelect Data section below.


Moving ProSelect to another computer

If you are moving or installing ProSelect on another computer and wish to transfer your setup information from your original computer then

  1. Install ProSelect on the new machine (see Downloading the software above) but don't run it yet.
  2. Copy your ProSelect data on your current machine and transfer it to your new computer (see the Transferring Your ProSelect Setup Data section below)
  3. De-activate ProSelect on your current machine (under the Help menu) and close the software. Your computer must be connected to the internet to do this.  If you no longer have access to the original machine to do this, see the Unable to De-Activate your old computer section below.
  4. Optionally un-install the software, but this is not mandatory as long as you have deactivated it.
  5. Copy your saved ProSelect Resources folder to the correct location on your new machine (see Restoring Your ProSelect Setup Data section below)
  6. Start ProSelect on the new computer and register it (the easiest way is to use the Online Registration option by entering your email address and password)
  7. Import your saved ProSelect data file and, optionally your Preferences file. (see Restoring your ProSelect Setup Data section below)

Unable to De-Activate your old computer

If your computer has died (or was stolen) and you are unable to open ProSelect on it in order to deactivate the software, then you can submit a Support Ticket to ProStudio Software Support and we will do it for you. 

IMPORTANT: To expedite this process, make sure that you tell us the name of the computer that you need to deactivate. You will find the names of all of your currently activated machines by logging into your account and going to My Account -> Products page and clicking View my currently activated machines link.

Transferring your ProSelect data

To see the process of transferring your data to another computer, watch this movie: Manually transferring ProSelect Setup Data to another computer or follow the instructions below.

Saving Your ProSelect Setup Data

This is done on your original machine. (If your hard disk has crashed then you will need to get this data from a recent backup copy that you have made so just skip to the Restoring Your ProSelect Data section below.)

  1. In ProSelect choose ProSelect Data --> Export Data to... (under the File menu) to save this data to an external file that you can copy to your new computer.
  2. If you wish, you can also save a copy of your preferences file (which contains your current registration settings and other setup preferences). You can save and load a copy of this file from Preferences --> General Settings --> Sharing--> Sharing Preferences. See Backup and Sharing Section, Preferences section in the ProSelect Reference Manual, for more about this.
  3. Make a copy of your entire ProSelect Resources folder. This is used to store image files (frames, room views, overlays, music, videos etc) that are used by ProSelect. More detailed information on locating this folder can be found in this article Finding the ProSelect Resources Folder.

Restoring Your ProSelect Setup Data

This is done on your new computer.

  1. Start ProSelect and register it (if prompted to do so).
  2. Replace the default ProSelect Resources folder (see Finding the ProSelect Resources Folder) with the copy from your original computer or your backup copy.
  3. In ProSelect choose ProSelect Data --> Import Data from.... (under the File menu) to load your saved (or backup copy) of your ProSelect_Data.xml file.
  4. You can optionally import your saved Preferences setup under Preferences --> General Settings --> Sharing--> Sharing Preferences. 
  5. Restart ProSelect. This may take some time if it needs to rebuild your low-res cache of the images in your ProSelect Resources folder. 
  6. Check that your price lists, templates, styles, frames, music, rooms etc are set up as expected.


More about Backing up your data

This is something that you should be doing regularly. See the Backup & Sharing section in the ProSelect Reference Manual (under Help Menu in ProSelect) for more about this important operation.


KnowledgeBase Article: Reinstalling or moving ProSelect