Dec 24, 2018
Oct 13, 2006

Backing up your ProSelect Setup Data

Keeping a regular backup of your valuable ProSelect Setup Data is important so you don't have to re-enter everything after a computer failure. For a complete understand of this process see the Backup and Sharing Section of the ProSelect Reference Manual (you can open this under Help menu in ProSelect). Below is a summary to get you going quickly.

Apart from your preference settings, ProSelect keeps your setup data in two places:

  • ProSelect Data file - This contains your prices, templates, styles/mats, frames setup, room setup, music etc. (There is no image data saved in this file.)

  • ProSelect Resources folder - This contains any images associated with the above, such as overlay images on templates, room view images, frame segments, mat/background images, corporate logos, music etc. 

Step 1 - ProSelect Data File

The ProSelect data file can be copied/backed up using  "ProSelect Data -->Export Data to..." (under the File menu) to save this data to an external file on your computer or an external device such as a Flash drive, external disk or network location.

Step 2 - ProSelect Resources Folder

You also need to make a copy of your resource files as they are interconnected with your data file mentioned above. The easiest way to do this is to copy your entire ProSelect Resources Folder to the other location.  To find the location of this folder on your computer:

On Macs: Resources Menu -> ProSelect Resources Folder -> Show in Finder... 

On Windows: Resources Menu -> ProSelect Resources Folder -> Show in Windows Explorer...

Hint:  If you click on the "Show Folder" button, this takes you directly to the ProSelect Resource folder location. This gives you instant access for copying to another computer (if not in a shared location) or making a backup copy.

Reinstalling (after a repair) or moving to another computer

See this article: Reinstalling or Moving ProSelect

More Information

You will find more information in the Backup & Sharing section of the ProSelect Reference Manual (open under Help menu in ProSelect).

Or for a visual tutorial, the short movie Manually transferring ProSelect Setup Data to another computer will walk you through the steps to backup/transfer your ProSelect data.

KnowledgeBase Article: Backing up your ProSelect Setup Data