Jun 9, 2021

Menu options are all disabled

When using ProSelect, the menu bar options are only enabled when the main ProSelect window has focus. That is, there are no other "dialog windows" open at the same time. (Note: All other windows used in ProSelect are "dialog windows" except the Debug Data window which is used for debugging.)

If you can't click on any menu bar options, then normally the solution is to just close the front-most windows so only ProSelect's main window is shown.

However, it is possible that you have an open window that you can't see on the screen and this can cause some confusion. This can happen when:

(a) you have two or more screens connected to your computer and the open dialog window is being displayed on another screen and you don't notice it. Note: this may still happen if your second screen is turned off (eg you have a projector connected but powered down so make sure all screens are turned on).

(b) you have been clicking around quickly (or have a mouse with a bouncy button) and a newly opened dialog window opens up BEHIND the main window. Most dialog windows can be closed by using the Escape key so pressing this key a few times will usually close any hidden windows and restore control back to the main window.

KnowledgeBase Article: Menu options are all disabled