Oct 30, 2016
Apr 30, 2007

ProSelect hangs or crashes while adding images

If ProSelect stops or crashes while adding images, it is most likely due to a corrupted or incompatible image file.

While we have tried to make ProSelect handle corrupted image files "gracefully", depending on the type of corruption in the file, ProSelect may still "lock up" when it encounters certain "unknown" types of corrupted image files. 

If ProSelect crashes while adding a folder of images to a new album, it usually means that one or more of the images in the folder that you are loading is either

  • corrupt
  • an unsupported type (see Supported File Formats below)
  • a complicated Photoshop format file (.psd) such as one with smart objects, or
  • too large to fit into the available memory on your computer (usually only a very large layered .psd file).

To solve this problem, you need to work out which image is causing the problem and remove it from the folder that you are importing from. Note: If you find this is happening often, you should try and find out why your images are getting corrupted (eg a faulty compact flash card in your camera).

One way to do this is to watch the progress bar that displays while the images are being imported. It will show the name of each file as it is imported. The name that you see just before the error occurs will likely be the one before the problem file or the problem file itself.

You can verify this by opening ProSelect again and just adding each of these images one at a time using Add One Image (under the Album menu). If the crash occurs adding that image, then you should assume that this image is corrupt and remove it from your folder and try again.

You could try opening the bad image in Photoshop to see if it will open correctly. 

Color Profile Issues

Some colour profiles can become corrupt. You can try changing these. Recommended common color profiles are sRPG, Adobe 1998 and ProPhoto.

Supported file formats

Mac version - ProSelect 2015r3 or newer

  • JPG
  • TIFF 8 or 16 bit
  • PSD 8 or 16 bit RGB or CMYK

* Note: Versions of ProSelect prior to this only support 8 bit RGB format PSD files.

Windows version - ProSelect 2017r1 or newer

  • JPG
  • TIFF 8 or 16 bit
  • PSD 8 or 16 bit RGB or CMYK

* Note: Versions of ProSelect prior to this only support 8 bit RGB format PSD files.

Problems loading Photoshop files using early versions of ProSelect

Older version of ProSelect use QuickTime to import Photoshop format files (.psd) when importing images into an album file.  If you are having problems importing Photoshop files into ProSelect then check the following:

  1. Download and install the newest version of ProSelect (as available for your license - refer to your account if unsure)
  2. Download the newest version of QuickTime
  3. Make sure that your images are 8 bit, RGB
  4. If the problem persists, then try opening the file directly with QuickTime (or for Mac user - by using Apple's Movie Player as it also uses Quicktime), and if it doesn't work then this indicates QuickTime can't read that file for some reason.

We have found that some images can be "repaired" by opening them in Photoshop and then doing a "Save As" to write out another copy.


KnowledgeBase Article: ProSelect hangs or crashes while adding images