Sep 27, 2021
Oct 26, 2006

Tax setup & rates

If you need to add tax when selling, ProSelect provides the ability to set up multiple tax options including combined State and Federal Taxes (as used in some provinces of Canada).

Tax options are set up in the Tax Setup dialog (under Orders Menu). First check the Enable Tax on Orders checkbox to turn on tax on orders. Once set up, you can select a different tax (including no tax) for each Client and have the correct tax automatically calculated.

And you can set a Tax option to be added to either "All Price List Items" or "Selected Price list items".

Setting the Default Tax Option

While in Tax Setup, you can drag each Tax Option in the list to a different position. Any one of your taxes can get set to be the default tax by selecting a row and click the Set as Default button. The default tax is shown with dark blue circle next to its name and this tax will be automatically be used for each new client that you add (typically when creating a new album file).




How Do I Change the Tax used on an Existing Order?

If another tax type is already assigned to a Client, open the Client Setup window (under the Orders Menu or using the button in the Place Order window) and select the Tax Option to be used for that client.  The correct tax will then be displayed on that Client's Order.

ProSelect saves a copy of the Tax Option used for each client in the Album file.
If you have changed your Tax Setup so that a previously used Tax Option is no longer available, when you open an album using the old Tax Option, ProSelect will add the missing Tax Option from the album file back into your Tax Setup window and display a warning to this effect.
This old Tax Option will then be used on the Client's Order in that album. If you wish to change this to a different Tax Option, you will need to open the Client Setup window and select it there (as shown above).
After changing the Tax Option for the client, you can then delete the old Tax Option in the Tax Setup window. However, if you have any other albums using the old Tax Option then this process will need to be repeated.
HINT: If you are making a change to your Tax Option other than just the rate, then it is a good idea to change the name of your updated Tax Option to something slightly different eg "Sales Tax from 9/21". Otherwise, if you load an old album file with a different version of that tax, the name of the Tax Option added back from the old album may have the same name and it will be confusing as to which is the new or old tax without looking at the details of each one in the Tax Setup window.

Australian Tax

Most Australian's setup their prices with GST included in the prices, and add a note to the bottom of the Order report that says "TAX INVOICE" and "All prices include 10% GST". This satisfies the requirements of the ATO (Australian Tax Office).

Please see the article "Handling Tax in Australian GST Invoices" for more details on your price setup options and Tax Invoice requirements.


More Information

More detailed information can be found in the ProSelect Manual in the "Handling Tax" section (quick access under the help menu in ProSelect).

KnowledgeBase Article: Tax setup & rates