Feb 20, 2023
Jan 19, 2018

SendMyRooms greyed out in ProSelect

If the SendMyRoomsoptions in ProSelect (such as those under the Orders menu) are greyed out, then the following will explain why and what you can do to resolve this.

This will happen in any of the following circumstances:

1.  If your computer was not connected to the Internet during ProSelect's startup

Solution: Check that your computer is connected to the internet and re-start ProSelect. 

2. Your PLUS has expired

Solution: Log into using your registered email address and password and choose Renew ProSelect from the  Store Tab, then Extend PLUS. 

3. You recently extended PLUS and your registration data is not up to date

Solution: After extending PLUS, make sure that you use Help > Refresh to get your current registration data into ProSelect. 

Requirements to Use

To access SendMyRooms™, you need to have a license for the current version of ProSelect and active PLUS (as this is one of the many benefits PLUS offers). You can check your PLUS status by logging into your ProStudio Software Account  --> My Products tab.

More Information

See "What is SendMyRooms™ Client Connection" on this page on the ProStudio Software website for an overview. And for more information and answers to frequently asked questions, see the Using SendMyRooms article.

KnowledgeBase Article: SendMyRooms greyed out in ProSelect