Jan 20, 2023
Dec 31, 2017

Using the Debug window for troubleshooting

ProSelect has a debug feature, which may help tracking down the cause of some errors like failure to import an image or to export a slideshow movie. The debug window shows a lot of useful information about each action that is happening.

Opening Debug window once ProSelect is Open

You can open the Debug window once ProSelect is open by:

  1. Open the "About ProSelect" Window (under the Help menu on Windows, under the ProSelect menu on Mac).
  2. Click Debugging Off text (bottom right under graphic) - it will turn to Debugging On
  3. Click Enable Debug Window (left under graphic) - it will change to green
  4. Close the "About ProSelect" Window and the "Debug Data" window will open.
  5. Move this to a clear space on your screen (you may need to reduce the size of ProSelect's main window to do this)
  6. Click the Clear button to clear any existing messages.
  7. Start the task (e.g. start an Image import or Export a Movie etc.)

If you have current PLUS, you can submit the last few pages in the Debug window in your Support Ticket (along with a description of what you are trying to do) to assist our tech support people.

Opening Debug window on Startup

The Debug window can also be opened when starting ProSelect by starting ProSelect while holding down the SHIFT key (this may be different for earlier ProSelect versions), then selecting both Debugging Messages On & Show Debug Window.


If the software crashes prior to accessing the data, (or computer freezes - then restart it), then please attach a copy of the "ProSelect Debug log.txt" file in your Support ticket reply. The txt file is in the "ProSelect Debug Data" folder under the default "Application Data" (this folder location is shown in the article Finding ProSelect Data & Preferences files).

KnowledgeBase Article: Using the Debug window for troubleshooting